
This is a receiver plugin to add antenna switching functionality for Raspberry Pi devices, providing logical levels on their GPIO ports that correspond to the user’s antenna selection via buttons on the OWRX’s front-end.

It consists of a front-end and back-end part.

The front-end is a standard OpenWebRX+ plugin and its installation does not differ from the standard way you install plugins:

I. Front-end installation


Add this line in your init.js file:


Back-end URL

You probably don’t want to change the default back-end instance URL, but if you do want to, you can do it from init.js, before or after the plugin loading, with:

Plugins.antenna_switcher.API_URL = 'HOST:PORT/antenna_switch'


Learn how to load plugins.

II. Back-end installation

The back-end installation script is designed to work with OpenWebRX+ installed from the repository as a package. You need to adjust it in case you want to use it inside a Docker container.

For the back-end, download and run the Bash script as root:

wget ''
chmod +x ./
sudo ./

The script will download and install the Flask back-end in a Python virtual environment located in /opt/antenna_switcher, so you don’t have to worry about libraries messing up your system’s default Python installation.

It will also create a systemd service file called antenna_switcher, then start and enable it.

The nginx configuration will be extended to provide reverse proxying from the OpenWebRX front-end (default port 8073) to the Flask back-end (port 8075, binding only on


Things like which GPIO pins to raise high when the corresponding button from the front-end is selected can be configured in /opt/antenna_switcher/antenna_switcher.cfg.

sudo ${EDITOR-nano} /opt/antenna_switcher/antenna_switcher.cfg